







World Metrology Day Events

Below is the list of those 2017 World Metrology Day
events we have been notified of.

To view last year's events, please click here.

To request publication of your event,
please e-mail us a brief summary in Word,
your logo and a web site link.


World Metrology Day - May 20

When you have held your World Metrology Day event Metrologist Magazine would like to publish your celebration!
Please send your text and photos to lstone@ncsli.org

Saint Lucia
Saudi Arabia
United Arab Emirates




Celebration of World Metrology Day 2017 in the Republic of Azerbaijan

Each year World Metrology Day is celebrated in the Republic of Azerbaijan. The State Committee for Standardization, Metrology and Patent of the Republic of Azerbaijan will organize a seminar according to this year’s topic “Measurements for Transport” on 19 May 2017 in Baku.

Invited guests from both the public and private sectors, representatives from higher educational institutions, as well as experts from calibration laboratories will deliver speeches on the current status of measurements in the country, the challenges faced by and the needs of industry, proposed solutions, etc. during this event. In addition, experts from the Czech Metrology Institute (CMI) and media representatives are also expected to attend the seminar.



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2017 World Metrology Day in Bangladesh

The Bangladesh Standards and Testing Institution (BSTI) observed World Metrology Day 2017 in a befitting manner. In observance of the day a special discussion programme took place at the Headquarters of the Bangladesh Standards and Testing Institution Auditorium, Dhaka, and in all the other Divisional Regional offices i.e. In Dhaka, Chittagong, Rajshahi, Khulna, Barisal and Sylhet. For a full description and more information, please click here.



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Stakeholders' workshop - Brussels, Belgium

The Metrology Division of the Belgian Federal Public Service Economy organizes a stakeholders' workshop each year for World Metrology Day. This year, the event will take place in Brussels on Friday, May 19.

The aim is to bring together the world of industry, testing laboratories, enforcement agencies, infrastructure management, decision makers and other specialized services, in order to clarify certain metrological aspects. Particular attention will be paid to innovations in the metrology field related to road safety.

For more information and workshop registration, please visit our webpage.



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2017 World Metrology Day in Ecuador

INEN, Ecuador, has organized an event where several metrology activities concerning this year's theme will be developed. In particular this year our Executive Director has extended a cordial invitation to students, professionals, industry and the general public so that they can be part of this event.

The event will be held on May 19th, 2017, starting at 09:00, at the National Metrology Laboratory of INEN located in Quito.

For further information, please click here.



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2017 World Metrology Day in India

World Metrology Day 2017 was commemorated at CSIR-NPL on May 20, jointly by CSIR-NPL and the Metrology Society of India (MSI). The Chief Guest for the occasion was Prof. S.K. Joshi, Padma Bhushan, former Director of CSIR-NPL and former Director General of CSIR.

For a full report and photo, please click here.



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WMD 2017 in I.R. Iran

NMCI is celebrating this event as the 9th edition since 2009 in two sessions. The first session is dedicated to a celebration ceremony with the presence of governmental keynote speakers, experts, metrologists, industry and general public and broadcasting widely through media.

With the aim of promoting metrology, the Second Iranian Metrology Conference will be held, as the second session, and the best articles will be awarded in different fields related to metrology issues. Also, the WMD Messages of the BIPM and BIML Directors as well as the WMD poster have been translated into Persian and distributed to 31 relevant provincial institutions in the country.



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World Metrology Day Celebration and Workshop in Libya

For the fifth year the Libyan National Oil Corporation celebrated World Metrology Day. This year the celebration and technical workshop took place in Raslanuf City at the headquarters of the General Department of Inspection and Measurement.

For detailed information, the full program and photos of the event, please click here. For a YouTube video, please click here.



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2017 World Metrology Day in Monterrey – Mexico

Once again ETALONS will celebrate “World Metrology Day”. This important celebration will be held in the most modern Convention Center in Monterrey – México. This event will take place on May 19, 2017, with a series of sessions related to “Measurements for Transport”. The main topics will talk about Automotive Metrology, Transportation, and Biomedical Engineering.

Register now:  www.worldmetrologyday.mx

Día Mundial de la Metrología 2017 en  Monterrey – México

ETALONS celebra nuevamente el “Día Mundial de la Metrología”. La magna celebración del 2017 se llevará a cabo en el moderno Centro de Convenciones del Pabellón M en Monterrey. Este evento se realizará el próximo 19 de Mayo con una serie de conferencias relacionadas con las “Mediciones para el Transporte”. Los temas a cubrir están relacionados con la Metrología Automotriz, el Transporte y con la Ingeniería Biomédica.

Regístrese ahora en: www.worldmetrologyday.mx



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World Metrology Day in Mozambique

The Government of Mozambique is hosting a Metrology Day event in the form of a seminar that will include reporting on donor activity in this area as well as discussions on different themes associated with Mozambican Government efforts to improve measurement, standardization, testing and accreditation. 

For more details of the event (in Portuguese) please click here.



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WMD 2017 in Peru: The Metrology Week

The Directorate of Metrology of the National Institute of Quality in Perú, INACAL, is pleased to announce the events for the celebration of the 2017 World Metrology Day: “The Metrology Week”.
The events will take place in Lima city from May 18 to May 26 and will include the classic Metrology Symposium in its Peruvian eighth edition. Below is the complete Metrology Week schedule:

  • May 18 & 19 - 8th Metrology Symposium in Perú:  This is the main event that closes the Metrology Week with more than 20 Metrology conferences given by international and national metrologists. It will take place in an exclusive hotel in Lima.
  • May 22 & 23 - Open Laboratories Day: The Metrology Direction will open the doors of its Metrology Laboratories for visitors in order to introduce society, industry and students to the work and development in Metrology.
  • May 23 - Course: Verifications and Inspections Organisms of Scales: Its purpose is to instruct in the correct control and inspection of non-automatic operation scales of commercial use in public establishments such as markets, warehouses among others.
  • May 24 - Course: Peruvian Metrology Standard of Road and Rail Tankers with Level Gauging: Its purpose is to introduce the community the current development of the Peruvian Metrology Standard of Road and Rail Tankers with Level Gauging.
  • May 24 - Course: Peruvian Metrology Standard of Instruments for Measuring Vehicle Exhaust Emissions: Its purpose is to explain to the community the current development of the Peruvian Metrology Standard of Instruments for Measuring Vehicle Exhaust Emissions.
  • May 25 & 26 – Scales Verification Campaign in Municipal Markets: Its purpose is to show the monitoring and inspection of commercial scales in public facilities. It is free of charge and is aimed at Municipal Authorities and Inspection Organisms.

For further information (program, schedules, prices, inscriptions, etc.) please visit www.inacal.gob.pe/metrologia/categoria/eventos



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2017 World Metrology Day in Portugal

Como nos anos anteriores, no dia 20 de maio, comemora-se a assinatura da Convenção do Metro através do “Dia Mundial da Metrologia”, uma iniciativa do Bureau Internacional de Pesos e Medidas (BIPM) e da Organização Internacional da Metrologia Legal (OIML). O tema deste ano é “As medições para os transportes” pois, os transportes desempenham um papel muito importante no nosso mundo moderno. Com efeito, a garantia para que todos as deslocações de pessoas e bens que utilisamos e dos quais dependemos, efetuem-se com toda a segurança, eficácia e com um impacto mínimo sobre o meio ambiente só é possível graças à realização de muito grandes números de medições credíveis. Assim, a indústria aeronáutica, bem como a indústria automóvel, aprésenta uma larga gama de instrumentos e métodos de medição, em constante evolução com os progressos tecnológicos. Os instrumentos de medição utilizados para a fiscalização dos parâmetros responsáveis para a Segurança Rodoviária (velocidade dos veículos, alcoolémia dos condutores..) são objetos de calibração e de Controlo Metrológico Legal. Mais genericamente, os organismos nacionais responsáveis das operações garantes da qualidade dos resultados de medição intervêm em particular nos domínios com atividades ligadas aos transportes.

Representante de Portugal no BIPM e na OIML, o Instituto Português da Qualidade (IPQ) associa-se a essa comemoração atravês de um evento gratuito que terá lugar na segunda-feira 22 de maio, nas respetivas instalações na Caparica, a partir das 14 :00, com palestras e que terminará com visitas aos Laboratórios e ao Museu da Metrologia. Mais informações sobre o evento, incluindo o programa, estão disponíveis no sítio internet: www.ipq.pt.



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Saint Lucia


WMD 2017 in Saint Lucia

The Saint Lucia Bureau of Standards (SLBS) joins the rest of the world in the observance of World Metrology Day, on Saturday 20th May 2017. This year’s theme is “Measurements for transport.”

The SLBS, through its Metrology Department, has made a number of significant interventions to ensure that there are accurate and reliable measurements in the vital transportation sector.

To read the detailed Press Release, click here.



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Saudi Arabia


WMD 2017 in Saudi Arabia

Thank you very much to those who are doing their best to propagate the message of WMD 2017.

It is my pleasure to share with you the Saudi Quality Council’s (SQC) participation in WMD 2017.

This year’s event is the eighth edition since 2010. The Saudi Quality Council under the official patronage of His Excellency the Governor of Saudi Standards, Metrology and Quality Organization Saudi Standards, Metrology and Quality Organization (SASO), is organizing the eighth Measurement Forum, on 20 May 2017, in line with the theme of this year “Measurements for Transport”.

Brief highlights of the program:

  1. Venue: The Saudi Standards, Metrology and Quality Organization, Makkah Branch
  2. Keynote Speakers:
    • Prof. Yasser Abdelfattah Abdelaziz, Consultant in the Qatar Standards Organization
    • Dr. Salih Alansari, a well-known advisor for practicing walking for health.
  3. The Program will include two sessions before noon where the main topics will be in line with the WMD theme. In the afternoon, a Workshop on Measurement Uncertainty Estimation will take place over three hours. Prof. Yasser Abdelfattah is the instructor.
  4. A special web page about the event was launched to present the WMD program with different resources of information about metrology concepts and application. Also, the translation into Arabic of the messages from the BIML and BIPM Directors is presented.

Please visit http://www.sqc.org.sa/wmd/ to follow updates.


We wish you successful and happy WMD every year.

Eng. Waleed Al-Faris
Member of the Executive Committee of the SQC




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DMDM Serbia is celebrating World Metrology Day

The Directorate of Measures and Precious Metals - DMDM, the National Metrology Institute of Serbia, celebrates and promotes the World Metrology Day in the Republic of Serbia as in previous years.

In the week before the World Metrology Day, numerous student visits to the laboratories of the DMDM were organized.

In cooperation with the Museum of science and technology we celebrate the World Metrology Day on 20 May, 2017. For the first time during the Museum Night the Serbian prototype meter No 30 which Serbia obtained from the BIPM in 1891 will be presented to a wider public.

On 22 May a ceremonial event dedicated to the long tradition of metrology in the Republic of Serbia will be organized in the Museum of science and technology. Besides the Serbian prototype of the metre and some of the oldest measuring instruments from the rich collection of the DMDM, significant results over the previous year will be presented.

With the aim of metrology promotion, an animated movie about metrology as well as a promotional flyer were prepared. The poster of the World metrology day was printed and distributed to the relevant institutions in the country.



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WMD 2017 in Sweden

RISE Research Institutes of Sweden operates the NMI of Sweden and will celebrate World Metrology Day with a seminar program on Friday 19 May.

Topic: Can I trust autonomous cars

Date and time: May 19, 12:00 – 13:00

Seminars will be held in Swedish at the RISE premises in Borås, as well as broadcasted through Skype.

For further information, please click here



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WMD 2017 in Tunisia

The ANM, Tunisia, organized a World Metrology Day event on 24 May in Tunisia. For the complete program, please click here.



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United Arab Emirates


WMD 2017 in the United Arab Emirates

On the occasion of World Metrology Day 2017 in line with the chosen theme of “Measurement for Transport”, Dubai Municipality - Dubai Central Laboratory Department - marked this event by organizing different activities for the public:

  1. Stands were put up in petrol stations and souvenir gifts were offered to the public on May 18.
  2. The public was invited to participate in a mini quiz game and the winners were selected by a draw which took place on May 18; prizes were awarded on May 24.
  3. The Emirates Airline and Mohammed Bin Rashid Space Center were open for visit on May 18 - both of these are related to the theme of “Measurement for Transport”.

The above activities were carried out in order to raise public awareness about the impact of measurement in transportation in people’s daily lives. Each year, World Metrology Day in the UAE is becoming more exciting and is a much awaited event by modern society.

For more information please contact us at calib@dm.gov.ae




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WMD 2017 in Uruguay

On 23 May an event is being organized in Uruguay to celebrate World Metrology Day.

For more details, please download the information sheet and program here.



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World Metrology Day in Caracas

The Fundación Instituto de Ingeniería (Engineering Institute Foundation) will celebrate World Metrology Day with a small technical event in which we will speak about several topics related to this year’s theme, Metrology in Transport, and the challenge faced by those who work in metrology now in our country. The event will held on May 19, 2017, in Sartenejas, Miranda State. For more information please contact sussmann@fii.gob.ve.


Día Mundial de la Metrología en Caracas

La Fundación Instituto de Ingeniería (FII) ha decidido celebrarel Día Mundial de la Metrología con un pequeño evento de técnico en el cual hablaremos de diversos temas relacionados con el tópico de este año Metrología para el transporte, pero también con el reto que representa hacer metrología actualmente en nuestro país. El evento se desarrollará el viernes 19 de mayo de 2017 en nuestra sede ubicada en Sartenejas, Edo. Miranda. Para mayor información contacte a sussmann@fii.gob.ve.



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AO-CONSULTORES TECNICOS is pleased to invite you to commemorate World Metrology Day 2017, which is May 20, but as that is a Saturday, we will celebrate it on May 19th, in the auditorium of the Cámara de Comercio de Valencia, Av. Bolívar, Valencia, VENEZUELA, diagonal to the shopping center Los Camorucos, opposite the metro station Rafael Urdaneta, from 08:30 AM to 12:00 PM.

Although this event is free of charge, only people who have booked their place (and received their confirmation) via the e-mail aoctca@gmail.com will be admitted. To register you must indicate the following information in the booking e-mail: Name, job title and company or institution where you work/study, and your cell phone number to be able to contact you in case of any incidents.

In case of any doubt, you can request information by telephone +58 414-4319151 or e-mails aoct.info@gmail.com and aoctca@gmail.com


AO-CONSULTORES TÉCNICOS C. A. tiene el gusto de invitarle a la conmemoración del Día Mundial de la Metrología 2017, el cual es el 20 de Mayo, pero por ser sábado lo celebraremos el 19 de Mayo, en el auditorio de la Cámara de Comercio de Valencia, Av. Bolívar de Valencia, VENEZUELA, diagonal al centro comercial Los Camorucos, frente a la estación del metro Rafael Urdaneta, de 08:30 AM a 12:00 PM.

Este evento es totalmente GRATIS y aunque la entrada es libre, sólo se admitirán a las personas que hayan reservado su cupo (y recibido su confirmación) vía el e-mail aoctca@gmail.com. Para inscribirse Ud. debe indicar en el e-mail de reservación los siguientes datos: Nombre, cargo y empresa o institución a la que pertenece, y su Nº de celular para poder avisarle en caso de alguna incidencia.
En caso de alguna duda, Ud. puede solicitar información, por el teléfono 0414-4319151 o a los e-mails aoct.info@gmail.com y aoctca@gmail.com



8:30 AM – Bienvenida: "DÍA MUNDIAL DE LA METROLOGÍA”, MSc. Alexis Oramas, Director, AOCTCA.
8:40 AM – Proyección del Video "¿QUÉ ES MEDIR?”, del Instituto Nacional de Educación Tecnológica y el Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Industrial (INTI) de Argentina.
9:00 AM – Ponencia Nº 1: “IMPORTANCIA DE LAS MEDICIONES Y ASEGURAMIENTO METROLÓGICO”, Metrólogo Oscar Delgado, Representante por la Dirección de Best Instrument C. A. y Gerente de su Laboratorio Metrológico.
9:45 AM – Ponencia Nº 2: “LA TRIBOLOGÍA EN LA METROLOGÍA”, Hegberth J. Rondón, Especialista en Lubricantes y Formulación de Productos Químicos, Coordinador de Calidad, Industrias Rodanol.
10:25 AM – Pausa / Café.
10:40 AM – Ponencia Nº 3: "LAS MAGNITUDES ELÉCTRICAS Y EL TRANSPORTE", BSc. Keismer Silva Díaz, T.S.U. en Electricidad, Especialista Metrólogo / Auditor ISO/IEC 17025.
11:55 AM – Clausura del evento, MSc. Alexis Oramas, Director, AO-CONSULTORES TÉCNICOS C. A.



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Activities to celebrate World Metrology Day 2017 in Vietnam

On the occasion of World Metrology Day, 20 May 2017, under the sponsorship of the Directorate for Standards, Metrology and Quality (STAMEQ), the Vietnam Metrology Association (VINAMET) and the Vietnam Metrology Institute (VMI) are co-hosting a seminar to promote the theme for World Metrology Day - “Measurements for transport” - in Hanoi, Vietnam. Attendees will exchange and discuss the role and situation of metrology in transport in terms of technical research and governmental management.

The Vietnamese national measurement standards system will also be presented at this event, through which the theme for World Metrology Day 2017 will be clearly and widely disseminated to stakeholders throughout Vietnam.

Also on World Metrology Day, all of the VMI’s calibration laboratories are open to interested visitors who are welcome to visit them.



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